HP PSC 1400 All-in-One series - HP® Official Site | Laptop Computers, Desktops, Printers, Serv我有一個同事叫麥谷懷,結婚三年多,一場突如其來的意外,拆散了這對恩愛的夫妻。這個同事一度服藥自殺,還好發現的早,沒有再造成遺憾。獲救後的同事,整天失魂落魄像行屍走肉,還差點因此丟了工作。幾個好友想幫忙,都束手無策。後來大家想了一個辦法,就是勸他辦一場招魂的法事,雖然有點迷信,不過也算是一種精神上的治If you have problems during setup, see Troubleshooting in the last section of the Setup Guide, the Troubleshooting section in the User Guide, or visit www.hp.com/ support. HP Image Zone Help The HP Image Zone Help provides detailed information on using th...