HP StorageWorks X1000 G2 is noisy, fans are runni... - HP Enterprise Business Community 最近,下面這組圖片在ins上很火... 出鏡的是一位外貌帥氣的肌肉男,和一位身材有些豐滿的姑娘... 他們親吻着, 嬉鬧着, 畫風浪漫而美好... 這是一對來自美國的夫妻... 妻子Jenna Kutthe unit was installed some months back. some days back it became noisy, fans are running at high speed. the server room is enough cold, there is n... ... Dear All, I have found a solution that works for me. No, I didin't place the X1400 in another buildi...