Executive Team: CEO email | HP® Official Site 一艘遊輪遭遇海難,船上有對夫妻,好不容易來到救生艇前, 艇上只剩一個位子,這時,男人把女人推向身後,自己跳上了...救生艇。 女人站在漸沉的大船上,向男人喊出了一句話……〞 講到這裡,老師問學生:〝你們猜,女人會喊出什麽話?〞 Send an email to HP's CEO, Meg Whitman, with ideas or suggestions on how Hewlett-Packard can serve you better. ... If you have any comments on how Hewlett-Packard can serve you better, please e-mail them to me by using the form on this page. If you need ....