哈哈哈 ~太好笑了~
Bios Recovery HP G60 Laptop - HP Support Forum - 267333檢舉 哈哈哈!~太好笑了~ 分類:休閒生活2011/01/19 12:41 哈哈哈!~太好笑了~跟朋友通 msn 時也常看到他的無厘頭打字我:你怎麼說著說著突然不見了??他:歹勢... 電鳥當雞我:....................他:呃...歹勢歹勢... 是電腦當機啦... X Just so nobody else has to go through this hell I finally got it working fo me on my HP G60-235DX . I downloaded the latest Bios (360BF65.FD ) Made two copies and renamed them to 3612.FD and 3612.BIN (Not sure which is exactly right) Copied that to a smal...