[七座商旅MPV專題] PART 3--小碼旅行家Ford Tourneo Connect
Bios Recovery HP G60 Laptop - HP Support Forum - 267333預估車型編成:2~3款 預估價格:110~130萬元 福特旗下這部七座商旅MPV其實在北美和歐洲市場皆有販售,但命名方式稍有不同。美國稱之為Transit Connect,而歐洲則叫做Tourneo Connect;因美國版本目前僅有2.0升汽油NA單一動力選擇,而歐洲則是以1.5升柴油引擎做主Just so nobody else has to go through this hell I finally got it working fo me on my HP G60-235DX . I downloaded the latest Bios (360BF65.FD ) Made two copies and renamed them to 3612.FD and 3612.BIN (Not sure which is exactly right) Copied that to a smal...