90 的男人都穿錯了牛仔褲,這才是正確的3種穿法
keyboard - HP laptop F1-12 keys inverted with Fn - Super User 1873年從德國移民至美國紐約的年輕人Levi Strauss發明了世界上第一條牛仔褲。 但他做夢都沒有想到,將近150年後的今天,居然有人能把牛仔褲穿的這麼丑: 一年四季穿着 錐子細腿牛仔褲 +豆豆鞋Apparently this can be adjusted in your notebook's BIOS. From HP's "Disable The Fn + Function Key Combination on Certain Models": On most HP and Compaq notebook PCs, it is necessary to press and hold the function key (fn) while pressing one of the f1 ......