Wheel Service | HRE Performance Wheels 狗眼看人低呀!國外正妹Christy不只是一名模特兒,她還有另一個讓人驚訝萬分的身份──「專業賽車手」! 這次她被邀請扮演出租車司機,載著顧客進行一場精彩惡作劇!一起來看看吧!許多顧客一上車,看到是女司機時便開始發表嘲諷、羞辱言論, 一名男生乘客甚至說:「他們竟然派給我女司機!」 但An HRE wheel is painstakingly manufactured to ensure the highest quality of wheel ownership possible. So when it’s time for service or refinishing, HRE should be your first choice to bring your wheels back to like-new condition. Fill out the form below to...