[RESOURCE] Modding Sense 6 | HTC One (M8) | XDA Forums 不知道最近是不是太多濃妝超齡小學生嚇到日本網友的心,最近有一名號稱是天使系的日本小學五年級女生的照片被網友們挖出來討論,大家都說這個女孩擁有未來能夠成為氣質系美女的潛能! 這位具有文藝氣息的小五女生名字叫做原菜乃華(はら なのか),6歲那年就在舞台表演上出道,目前是隸屬於研etc, starting from line 2047 Categories 1-4 are represented by the four boxes along the top of the theme preview. The fifth category is defined by HTC within apks as Category 0, and this is the default category. It is used when the code within the apk doe...