日本首家MCM 旗艦店入駐東京銀座,全新概念店MCM Space 亮相首爾明洞
You've Spoken, We’re Listening – Improving Battery Life - HTC Blog近日,MCM 先後有兩家新店分別在東京銀座、首爾明洞開業。其中,東京銀座的MCM 旗艦店是品牌在日本的首家旗艦店,新店以灰色與金色為主調,利用色彩簡潔的花崗岩搭配黃銅材質進行空間區隔,門店入口的環形扇門設計則以萬花筒為靈感,整體傳達出MCM 的奢華審美理念。 與此同時,MCM 全新概念店MCM SpHi Manav, The items referenced in this post refer to work that was done during the development of the HTC One family. However, keep in mind that improving battery life is an ongoing process. There was work we did prior to this last year and, of course, we...