HTC ChaCha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 愛她的活潑外向,就不要嫌她輕佻浮誇。 愛她的美豔妖嬌,就不要嫌她招蜂引蝶。 愛她的乾脆俐落,就不要嫌她粗枝大葉。 愛她的單純可愛,就不要嫌她未經世事。 愛她的溫柔體貼,就不要嫌她懦弱無能。 愛她的誠懇篤實,就不要嫌她笨拙無趣。 愛她的精明The HTC ChaCha (also known as HTC Chachacha or HTC Status) is an Android smartphone that was announced by HTC in February, 2011 at the Mobile World Congress, alongside its sister phone, the HTC Salsa. The ChaCha is primarily designed for text messaging, a...