HTC Leo: HD2 - XDA Forum - Android Forum for Mobile Phones, Tablets, Watches & Android Ap 活著為了什麼?畢竟現實太過殘酷,生活太過艱辛!現實社會激烈的競爭,充滿未知,挑戰,艱辛,但同樣充滿美麗的風景。為了就業、為了生存讓我們不得不為了生計而勞累奔波於外。多少人在這弱肉強食的自然規律面前,倍受困苦的侵撓,嘗不盡的辛酸。可是,為什麼現在有的人生活條The HTC Leo, more commonly known as the HD2, is with no hyperbole a legendary device. While the 4.3" WVGA TFT screen and half a gig of RAM are not as impressive today as they were in 2009, the device's true beauty lies in the software that has graced its ...