HTC One (M8) | Android Central二戰期間德軍佔領俄羅斯某村,喜歡惡作劇的德國軍官下令村裡已婚的夫婦們集合,並且命令全部脫掉下衣,分男女各站一排,還命令士兵將婦女的眼睛蒙上。這時德國軍官開始喊話:我們開始玩游戲,妻子們走過去用手辨認你們丈夫的下體,如果猜對是你的丈夫,便可活命,如果猜不中,就地槍斃。第一個女人走到男人的隊列,從第一個Check out our official HTC One Review. HTC announced a new version of the HTC One — codenamed M8 — in late March 2014 in New York City and London. The overall look of the Android smartphone is in the same vein of the 2013 model, with stereo speakers ......