Amazon.com: HTC One S / Z520e / Z560e (AMOLED) - Full LCD Display+Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly - 話說.... 這幾年外網上的報導又多了一種模式, 美女或者帥哥+寵物,吸睛又養眼。 畢竟很多人會對養寵物異性特別有好感,覺得這是一種有愛心的表現~ 以至於很多人覺得,養寵物有提升鏟屎官桃花的神奇功效... 貌似當個鏟屎官真的是個加分項~ 那...養個寵物真的能讓自己魅力大增This item does not include screwdriver or adhesive. If you want the screwdriver, you need to buy this item: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005BOYGL4 If you want the adhesive, you need to buy this item: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005GITURA or htt...