車模韓盼盼亮相武漢車展 「八字豪乳」引無數觀眾圍觀
HTC One X review - Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features都說「香車配美女」看來一點也不假,車展現場也因眾多靚麗車模而更加火爆,近日「華中第一車模」韓盼盼就亮相大陸湖北華中國際車展,一群保安為她開道,初顯大牌風範,在站台中大露八字奶,引起無數觀眾圍觀、拍照。 據陸媒報導,「新一代性感車模小天后」韓盼盼近日現身大陸湖北武漢華中國際車展,展會上韓盼Summary Buying an HTC One X is a lot like getting a unicorn: it's wild, fast, white, beautiful, expensive and fickle. Still, it gives even the mighty Galaxy Nexus a ... Hardware HTC went back to the drawing board. While many of its products from 2011 blen...