How to Take a Screen Shot / Print / Capture on the HTC ONE - YouTube 「二哥」王力宏曬出一張手握移動硬盤,腮上蓄鬚臉色疲憊的照片,稱:「四年的心血結晶就在我手上!迫不及待跟你們分享了!我們終於要發片了。 」看似為新專輯忙碌得無暇顧及形象。 對於新專輯將要問世,粉絲紛紛表示感動,也有網友忍不住吐槽:「答應我!能好好打理一下自己嗎!男神去哪了!?」 &nbSo how do you take a screen shot of what ever you have on the screen of the HTC One? Get HTC One in the USA: http://www.amazon.com/s/?_encoding=UT... Get HTC One in the UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?_encoding=... Sony XPERIA Z UNDERWATER Connectivity Tes...