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Spec Wars: iPhone 4S vs. Samsung Galaxy S II vs. BlackBerry Bold 9900 vs. HTC Titan vs. Pre3 | iMore 【 JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此 】 隨著科技互聯網絡越來越發達,讓我們和那些遙不可及的明星或超模們越來越顯得沒有距離,只要透過網絡從他們每天的一篇篇發文,可以讓喜愛他們的粉絲們一窺私底下的生活與最及時的活動。 而今回為大家帶來的可是目前 Instagram 上最火紅的 10 Now that Apple has officially announced the iPhone 4S and put its specs on the table, we can put those specs up against the other baddest phones on the planet -- the current flagship devices for Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and webOS. Each, of cour...