htc touch diamond2 t5353 android

[25/03/11]XDAndroid - Topaz [2.2.2][FRX06 Fi… | HTC Topaz: Touch Diamond2, Pure | XDA Forums今年10月,日本麥當勞展開了一輪奇葩的促銷:薯條150日元一份!“份”是怎麼定義的?答曰:隨意。於是乎,薯條騷亂開始了。 本月初,促銷剛剛開始的時候,一位Twitter用戶上傳了“一份”薯條的照片——23包中薯的量,全部裝在托盤General & Credits Welcome to the Android/Linux Topaz (Diamond 2) Port information portal From here you will be able to find new information on the progre… ... F.A.Q.Q. Why is my touchscreen not calibrated properly? A. Delete the "ts-calibration" file in t...
