世界最強LEXUS IS-C1200匹馬力甩尾式樣
HTC Wildfire S Blog - Tutorials, Root, Tips and Tricks圖片來源:Web Option 受到世界甩尾粉絲敬仰的甩尾車手齊藤太吾選手,當初為了出征日本以外的甩尾活動所打造的一輛怪獸,就是這輛LEXUS IS-C(GSE20)為基礎所製作。 當年為了選擇新車型感到相當猶豫不決時,正巧看到了IS-C,而這輛車如果是沒有掛牌或是沒有車籍資料的話,可以說是HTC Wildfire S Tutorials, Rooting, Tips and Tricks. Free up internal Memory, speed up and increase the battery life of your HTC Wildfire S ... Looking for a custom ROM that'll give you speed, increased battery life and more without having to get rid of al...