
HTC (Android) - 5吋大螢幕 HTC Desire 700 雙卡雙通中階機 - 手機 - Mobile01有多2逼的主人就有多2逼的狗.。   HTC除了One與Butterfly兩個系列,中低階系列有龐大的Desire家族,在11月底時一口... ... Desire 700的賣點之一,就是支援雙卡雙待機,以及國際品牌中少見的雙通話功能,Desire 700成為Desire系列最高階的雙卡機。...


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HTC Desire Eye review | Android Central - Android Central | Android Forums, News, Reviews, Help and 霸氣側漏的上校和教主-_,-viaThe HTC Desire Eye is not a subtle phone. It looks unlike anything on the market today. Where the HTC One M8 has a body made of smooth and curving aluminum that fits nicely in the hand, the Desire Eye is a big, white, plastic slab of a phone. There's also...


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HTC One M8 Review Add-on: The worst thing about the HTC One (M8) | BGR介個是香蕉,看出來木有?。。。香蕉冰凍後沾上巧克力醬,和冰激凌味道差不多~~~絢爛哦!~The brand new HTC One (M8) really managed to impress me. From the design and build to the revamped Sense 6 software and impressive performance, HTC really has a winner on its hands. Whether or not its efforts will translate into sales remains to be seen, ...
