HTML Tutorial - Bold - Tizag Tutorials ▲這個絕世歌妓用一雙「白嫩雪足」踏翻了整個朝廷。「淫蕩成性」的她如何讓兩代「皇帝都甘願為她做奴隸」?(source:sina) 哈囉大家好~我是fufu編!今天要和大家介紹的是絕世歌妓潘玉奴。根據頭條號主無風卻起念的分享,潘玉奴本名是俞尼子,因為自小家中窮困所以以歌妓的身分被賣給大司Examples of how and when to use the bold tag lt44bgt44. ... The idea here is to use the bold tag in quick formatting situations. It is not a good idea to bold entire paragraphs or other elements simply because you want the text to be larger or fatter....