html meta charset

HTML Charset - W3Schools Online Web Tutorials        這是什麼狀況,我都不知道該說什麼!!   What is Character Encoding? ASCII was the first character encoding standard (also called character set). It defines 127 different alphanumeric characters that could be ... The HTML charset Attribute To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must kn...


meta charset – document character-encoding declaration (NEW) - HTML5        完了~~是誰叫你這樣子呢!!!A case-insensitive match for any character set name for which the IANA [Character Sets] registry has a Name or Alias field labeled as “preferred MIME name”; or, if none of the Alias fields are so labeled, a case-insensitive match for a Name ......


HTML Document Representation - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)         看到都傻眼了....很誇張耶5.3.2 Character entity references In order to give authors a more intuitive way of referring to characters in the document character set, HTML offers a set of character entity references. Character entity references use symbolic names so that authors need...


html - meta charset windows-1252 vs UTF-8 - Stack Overflow         第一次你被剪頭毛,怎麼這麼可愛阿!!!My HTML pages use . Is changing to UTF-8 recommended and why? I checked some of my pages with UTF-8 and got question marks with ......
