Peeta Mellark - The Hunger Games Wiki 話說,迪士尼樂園是一個大家都喜歡的地方,但是你能想象一個中年大叔在過去的幾年時間裡,連續2000天風雨無阻地光顧迪士尼樂園的場景嗎? 這個44歲的大叔名叫Jeff Reitz,來自加利福尼亞,他剛剛打破了連續2000天每日不間斷地光顧迪士尼樂園的記錄…&hPeeta Mellark, a baker's son from District 12, is one of the main characters of the The Hunger Games trilogy. He is a very compassionate person and is good with words. He has been in love with Katniss Everdeen since the age of 5, but never confessed his f...