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The Hunger Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia台北新時尚朝拜店YI-SELECTSTORE引進英國兩大新品牌Nasir Mazhar與Astrid Andersen,要為台灣的潮男們帶來前所未有的前衛運動風! 英國設計師Nasir Mazhar首先以獨特的運動帽款及特殊頭飾設計引起時尚界的注目,像是方形鴨舌帽「box peak cap」或是LaThis article is about the franchise and novel series. For the first novel in the series, see The Hunger Games (novel). For the movie, see The Hunger Games (film). For the film series, see The Hunger Games (film series). For the annual competition that is ...