i am all ears

I Am Bored - Sites for when you're bored. ▲麥當勞店員希望大家能夠將心比心。(source:批踢踢)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 社會上有許多弱勢族群仍然在很多時候不被受到尊重,根據Dcard有一位女網友日前上網分享她在麥當勞打工時所遇到的特殊的身障客人與其他客人反應的經驗。她在面對身障客人時,運用愛心與關懷幫助該名客人點餐。 「Are you bored? I-Am-Bored.com lists places to go when you are feeling bored. ... Women Join The 'Hairy Leg Movement' [Pic] Women decide to let their furry side show and ditch their razors. So guys, does a little fuzz freak you out?...


I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban: Malala Yousafzai, Chri看圖約妹L/i/n/e:durian八零      薇信:h428app ◇我爲您解除一天的疲憊,讓您擁有一個甜蜜、輕松舒心的夜晚 . ◇尋歡俱樂部超級美女登場外出服務◇想感受最炫最靚火辣美眉的刺激嗎 ◇給你絕對隱秘安全滿意享受◇◇讓你絕對"The touching story will not only inform you of changing conditions in Pakistan, but inspire your rebellious spirit." (Matthew Love, Time Out New York) "Ms. Yousafzai has single-handedly turned the issue of the right of girls--and all children--to be educ...


I am better than your kids. - rULeR Of thE UniverSe. ▲這幅畫作讓人看了渾身發冷...(source:globalnewsconnect,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 相信大家都知道精神分裂症是一個很可怕的疾病。因為一旦患上這種疾病,這個人就會慢慢和現實世界脫節,甚至對世界產生敵意,這種病雖然可以用藥物控制,但還沒有真正治療的辦法,患上I win. When I go into work next, I'm going to surprise all my co-workers and put up pictures of myself instead of their ugly kids and their inane drawings. More crappy children's art work: Crappy art #1 Crappy art #2 More updates! 8,675,708 stupid kids tr...


It’s All Maya! — If Life is an illusion, then why do I keep banging my head against the wall? ▲韓國正妹主播「엣지님」時常在直播中跟觀眾們聊天。(source:YouTube,下同。)     韓國知名直播美女「엣지님」繼上次「自爆下面沒穿的影片」之後,最近又有新的代表作品!     ▼在4/16上傳的這支名為「엣지 ★ 喜歡大的東西~! 是女主播就Workers taking down the locks. Yes! This beautiful bridge turned ugly. Patrick and I went to the Pont des Arts yesterday just to see them lift off all the ugly locks that have been destroying this beautiful bridge and making it an eyesore for the past num...


I am a mermaid | A delicate, ladylike blog for mermaids and the humans who love them  90%的朋友讀錯了!汽車品牌的正宗讀音是這樣的!   溫馨提示:在wifi狀態下觀看,留著流量學知識     授權來源:機械前線     ID:jixieqianxian原文標題: 90%的朋友讀錯了!汽車品牌的正宗讀音是這樣的! 未經So Mermaids is finally coming out, and I’m really excited. It’ll be a special issue of Faerie Magazine, put together and edited by yours truly, featuring our favorite half-ladies half-fish in all their manifold glories. It’s shipping from the printer on D...


Who Am I To Judge? - The New Yorker國外這個妖豔的胖胖小朋友聞聲起舞,跳紅髮艾德的《shape of you》,這身手靈活,這眼神到位,一傳到網上就圈住了大批粉絲,前途無量啊!   授權來源:這裡是美國    ID:America_hq原文標題: 妖嬈小胖子跳《shape of you》,身手靈活眼神到位A radical Pope’s first year. ... Many observers insist that gestures of modesty and compassion cannot alter basic beliefs. But Francis has said, “I would not speak about ‘absolute’ truths, even for believers.”...
