i am all ears

I Am Bored - Sites for when you're bored. 朋友常問我,為什麼不交個女朋友,而我也常常說了一個故事給他們聽,這個故事就是我的原因。三年前,因為車禍而進了醫院,住進了一間兩人房,隔壁床是空的,就這樣一個人在一月安靜的過了一個禮拜。一個禮拜後,有個年紀很輕的女孩送了進來,她跟我一樣是車禍,但我們不同的是,我是醒著的,而她是昏迷的。她的臉蛋很清秀Are you bored? I-Am-Bored.com lists places to go when you are feeling bored. ... Women Join The 'Hairy Leg Movement' [Pic] Women decide to let their furry side show and ditch their razors. So guys, does a little fuzz freak you out?...


I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban: Malala Yousafzai, Chri 不少女性都希望和理想中的好男人有個浪漫的聖誕約會。 不過,世界上卻有許多可愛的女孩不知為何很少被男生約。這樣的女性,可能是因為在不知不覺中做了“讓男性難以踏出第一步”的行為……。 這次要介紹的是可愛卻不被男性邀約的女性有什麼特徵。   "The touching story will not only inform you of changing conditions in Pakistan, but inspire your rebellious spirit." (Matthew Love, Time Out New York) "Ms. Yousafzai has single-handedly turned the issue of the right of girls--and all children--to be educ...


I am better than your kids. - rULeR Of thE UniverSe. 小龍女這段可以說是金庸小說中最令觀眾遺憾的情節之一。如果深究為什麼,你別否認有一個繞不過去的因素——貌似有史以來就困擾中國人的處女情結。   實際上,古人比你想像的,甚至比你都開放多了。是不是處女在很長一段時間都不算是什麼大不了的問題。今天,壹讀君就來&helliI win. When I go into work next, I'm going to surprise all my co-workers and put up pictures of myself instead of their ugly kids and their inane drawings. More crappy children's art work: Crappy art #1 Crappy art #2 More updates! 8,675,708 stupid kids tr...


It’s All Maya! — If Life is an illusion, then why do I keep banging my head against the wall? 美國時尚雜誌《MODE》新近出爐的「2014全球最美100人」中,韓星Clara以僅次於美國模特Tania Marie Caringi的高姿態,當仁不讓地成為全球最美亞裔女神!但,你以為女神祇是擁有一副空皮囊而已嗎? 和大多數韓星不一樣的是,這位最新被評為全球最美亞裔女神的韓星Clara,渾身透露Workers taking down the locks. Yes! This beautiful bridge turned ugly. Patrick and I went to the Pont des Arts yesterday just to see them lift off all the ugly locks that have been destroying this beautiful bridge and making it an eyesore for the past num...


Who Am I To Judge? - The New Yorker 一個項突破性研究發現,相比同齡人,那些生活在同性家庭中的孩子更健康,更幸福。 本次試驗由澳大利亞的墨爾本大學執行,新的研究意在探尋生活在同性家庭中的孩子,身體,心理,社會幸福感,以及非議對他們的影響。當提到國民健康和家庭凝聚力的時候,平均來說,生活在同性家庭中的孩子比一般的孩子在這兩項得分上高6個A radical Pope’s first year. ... Many observers insist that gestures of modesty and compassion cannot alter basic beliefs. But Francis has said, “I would not speak about ‘absolute’ truths, even for believers.”...
