i am mark blog

I AM FUEL, YOU ARE FRIENDS 年底前最後一波優惠 入主三芒星最佳時機    Mercedes-Benz挾新世代豪華小車A-Class發表之勢,於上月成功炒熱全台銷售熱潮、展間賞車人潮絡繹不絕。全新A-Class改款後不僅維持誘人的價格競爭力,更以動感的造型、更為強悍的性能與豪華升級的配備項目,再次強化車系戰Fuel/Friends Chapel Session #33: Alex Dezen (of The Damnwells) I have always said that Alex Dezen, of the beloved Brooklyn band The Damnwells, has a romantic voice. I don’t mean that in the way we picture Valentine’s Day cards or the airbrushed bodices on...


I Am Second - Official Site  示意圖 圖源   有時候,男生朋友會互相傳一些有的沒的照片和影片,注意,這些東西可能會讓你感情破裂!有個網友上傳一段行車記錄器錄下的對話,一個女生的男友在開車時收到朋友傳來的大胸部照片,她就問「那誰?」男友不當一回事,淡定地說「母災(不知道)」,他接著不停地對這張照片品頭論足Ethan Hallmark “I just remember waking up thinking, ‘Man, I don’t want to do this.’” Watch Film...


blog maverick | the mark cuban weblog 原文網址:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Boy-Girl/M.1293522350.A.569.html   -----------------------作者  kurtc (夏日的誤會)       one of the challenges of doing a lot of interviews is that inevitably I am asked different versions of the same questions over and over again. For the first time in a long time I can say I actually got asked unique questions that put a smile on my face. T...


I am a Reader! Young Adult Book Blog Reviews and Giveaway----------------------------Dcard原文:史上最好的男朋友[閃+文長+微西斯]如題 我真的覺得閃光是世上最好的男朋友先來說說正常情侶間男生(包括閃光)都會有的舉動吧像是幫女生拿包包、在馬路上會要女生走在裡面、天冷了會把衣服給女生穿、無條件接受女生的壞脾氣、記得女生的生理Welcome to I am a Reader! Here you can find the best in young adult books with blog reviews and giveaways! ... The Song of David by Amy Harmon (Coming June, 15, 2015) She said I was like a song. Her favorite song. A song isn’t something you can see....


The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks - Official Site原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻   在動漫中除了女主角之外 還有許多對於劇情很重要的女配角們  而在眾多的女配角中 萌友們最喜歡哪個女配角呢?  其實每個女角都很可愛的喔(〃∀〃)    第10名 亂馬1/2 珊璞  碰到冷水就A moderated blog with user-submitted pictures of quotation marks used improperly, with humorous commentary....
