i am mark

I Am Second - Official Site熱播劇《武媚娘傳奇》昨日大結局。武媚娘和唐太宗李世民的感情糾葛佔了上半部分,和唐高宗李治的感情佔了故事的下半部分。范冰冰版的《武媚娘傳奇》與其說是一部歷史劇,不如說是一部情感劇,用一句話來概括:上半場很坎坷,下半場很得志。 1、武媚娘侍奉李世民12年也只是個五品才人,而跟了李治卻奉她為皇后。 啟示:Gabe Salazar “The gang bangers and street thugs made me feel like I belonged.” Watch Film...


I AM A CHILD | children in art history 「只有日本人能超越日本人!」大家都知道這個國家在 AV 產業上的傳奇,但在今年初日本便利商店和架上突然出現了一個謎樣的商品: AV 美熟女香米,有去過日本的朋友一定都時常在超商或超市看見單售的白飯,只要微波兩分鐘後就可以食用,但這個有趣的是這個新產品「AV 美熟女香米」可不是跟children in art history (per CantervilleGhost) ... I Am A Child – Children in Art History ends here. I reached the upload limit allowed by WordPress and no other paintings can be loaded....


I AM FUEL, YOU ARE FRIENDS讓你找凶手,鬧市殺人案,觀察力高於95%的人,才能找得出兇手是誰! (提示:凶手有刀) (點擊可看大圖)   到底是誰呢?答案往下拉 先自己找一下嘛!別偷看答案!                   Fuel/Friends Chapel Session #33: Alex Dezen (of The Damnwells) I have always said that Alex Dezen, of the beloved Brooklyn band The Damnwells, has a romantic voice. I don’t mean that in the way we picture Valentine’s Day cards or the airbrushed bodices on...


American Water - Official Site   自從有了 Facebook、Instagram 等網站或 app 後,在上面晒上開心的出遊照、情侶閃照、餐廳美食照成為常態,有時在上班中看到這種照片不免感到羨慕,心想:「老子在這努力幹活,你卻在那享受!」但現在會P圖的人越來越多,如果你只是想單Founded in 1886, American Water (NYSE: AWK)is the largest investor-owned U.S. water and wastewater utility company. With headquarters in Voorhees, N.J., the company employs nearly 7,000 dedicated professionals who provide drinking water, wastewater and .....
