'Mirror Mirror' Song Mystery: The Missing Woman Behind 'I Believe in Love'曾經寫過一首有關「雨」的詩,一位讀者留言:「雨天總令我想起一個人……」我回應道:「你們一定有好多個浪漫的雨天。」她覆道:「只有一個深刻的記憶...」她這淡淡的回應,竟像一顆擲向我的心的手榴彈。我一直以為,情感的厚度,與時間的長度成正比例,相處越久,感情越深厚;相處越短,感This is the true story of a quest -- the quest for a song, first, and then for the woman who wrote it. The song appears in the closing credits of "Mirror Mirror," the first of this year's two big-screen adaptations of the Snow White fairy tale. Its direct...