Usher - Burn Lyrics話說.. 在之前,我們曾經說過在最近兩年大火的AI人工智能性愛機器人。 這些機器人有着高度擬人化的語言系統,有着非常智能的回應系統,甚至有的設計師還賦予了這些性愛機器人人類的性格。 比如說,之前美國最大的成人用品公司Abyss CLyrics to Burn by Usher: [Intro:] / I don't understand, why / See it' s burning me to hold onto this / I know this is something I gotta do ... I don't even kno what 2 sa cuz usher out did himself on this song. Wow,. This guy is jus the best and I apprecia...