Celebrate Love!上街慶祝愛!
Do Lectures - Official Site「我曾是多麼害怕和抗拒這個遊行,因為我知道自己心底有多麼想參與!」——摘自美國影集《Sense 8》 第一次參加同志大遊行,興奮中夾雜著忐忑,但這份顧慮,當抵達台大醫院站、步出捷運車廂時即得到緩解,男女老少們心照不宣,走出車廂、朝著同一個方向前進的強大氣場,使我忽然一陣鼻酸!Inspirational talks from passionate, creative people. The idea is a simple one. That people who Do things, can inspire the rest of us to go and Do things too. So each year, we invite a set of people to come and tell us what they Do....