夫妻生活有時充滿艱辛 但是莫忘初心!邱琦雯為《大時代》披婚紗,分享擇偶條件與婚姻觀...
Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Third Edition: Robert M. Sapolsky: 9780805073690: Amazon.com: Books 民視8點檔《大時代》開播以來話題不斷,收視率也屢創新高,昨晚8/6播出平均收視5.53,最高一分鐘6.57,給幕前幕後的推手最大的鼓勵!喬華國跟吳皓昇的父子相隔十年對談,惹哭在場工作人員,更有觀眾說「這是為了父親節設計的嗎?超感動的!」,小甜甜劇中跟馬念先的十年曖昧也開花結果,衝出收視好成績,全劇Preface Why Don’t Zebras Get Ulcers? Glands, Gooseflesh, and Hormones Stroke, Heart Attacks, and Voodoo Death Stress, Metabolism, and Liquidating Your Assets Ulcers, the Runs, and Hot Fudge Sundaes Dwarfism and the Importance of Mothers Sex and Reproducti...