26歲史上最正「混血女神」莉亞迪桑 現在.......[圖+影]
How To Say Goodbye To Someone You Don’t Want To Leave | Thought Catalog 曾經日本最紅的「混血性感女神」莉亞‧迪桑 (リア・ディゾン) ,莉亞(Leah Dizon)於2006年進軍日本,隔年立刻竄紅,人氣暴漲,不只打敗多位當地女星稱霸市場,也成為粉絲心中NO.1混血女神。2008年事業如日中天之際,莉亞突然奉子成婚,讓人錯愕,但令人更傻眼的是莉亞於2010Over three years ago, I stayed with a friend in a new city, and his friends all came over and made steak tartare and fries for a welcome dinner. They became my first new friends. Since, I had never seen them all together in the same place, for constraints...