i had a great time with you guys

Steve Coogan: I'm a huge fan of Top Gear. But this time I've had enough | Television & radio | The O 常有人說不知道要穿什麼的時候,套上一條丹寧褲就沒錯。但也或許因為它百搭的特性,有時候反而讓人有點忘記了它的好。因此 Levi's 全新推出的全球品牌廣告,「Live in LEVI’S®」,收集了上百萬個真實故事,讓人重新發現丹寧在人生中精采的瞬間,像是老爺爺穿上丹寧褲立刻化身不老 Rocker、As a huge fan of Top Gear I normally regard the presenters' brand of irreverence as a part of the rough and tumble that goes with having a sense of humour. I've been on the show three times and had a go at their celebrity-lap challenge, and I would love t...


Jennifer Garam: Why I Had an Affair With a Married Man 身為藝術家/藝人多種身分的中川翔子(Shokotan)與 BEAMS 共同企劃的流行品牌。融合了流行與文化,展開一系列有趣的雜貨服飾及以中川翔子熱愛的“貓”為主題的商品。於日本次文化聖地聞名的「NAKANO BROADWAY」中的店鋪為中心,創造出可以充分感受中川翔子個人特色及生活態度的『Shok"Want to be in a book club? Just us?" Tilting my head, I squinted at David's* email. We were both in the literary industry and connected on social media, but I'd never met him in person. And based on what I could tell from his online persona, he was marri...


All I need is a picket fence ... | A blog about tennis … okay Federer. A lot of Federer. 來自加州的才女藝術家 Quyen Dinh 為美國知名創作單位 Parlor Tattoo Prints 首席畫師,以獨特刺青畫風受到高度矚目,創作靈感不拘泥於傳統、天馬行空的題材來自經典電影、傳奇人物甚至是星際大戰等話題元素讓人印象深刻,以美式刺青筆觸佐入專屬色韻營造攝人氛圍,眾多作品中更以詮釋A blog about tennis ... okay Federer. A lot of Federer. ... Stanislas Wawrinka has spent so much of his career in the shadows of Roger Federer. If you’re reading this piece, this is a point which needs absolutely no elaboration whatsoever… so I won’t bore...


Coffee and Keystrokes | Musings from the Desk of a Part-Time Writer   近日,美國《預防》雜誌刊登了一篇文章,細數了十項導致男性勃起障礙的主要原因: 高強度的工作:造成精神緊繃和心理壓力,餐飲業者、醫護人員、消防員和員警等,都是勃起障礙的高風險族群。 色情東西看太多了:看色情片會改變大腦結構,也就是說口味變得太重,一般情境無法刺激你的性慾。 牙齒不乾淨:Musings from the Desk of a Part-Time Writer (by Patrick Razo) ... Why do guys love short women? This question’s been around for ages, and when you ask most men, they just shrug and brush it off. Men don’t really think about stuff, so if they find someone ...


Reasons I Love My Mother(撰文:謝雅蕙、劉繼珩) (專業諮詢、圖片提供:美麗境界皮膚科醫美中心院長曾忠仁| 彭賢禮皮膚科診所院長彭賢禮| 晶華美醫整形診所總院長徐典雄| 晶華美醫整形診所院長蕭奕君) (美術|Benjamin Lee) 台灣的整形醫美產業發展至今已有20年,從最早期的10年前由雷射美容開始,到後期10年隨著Hi there. My name is Chris Kelly, and I am a writer, comedian and actor that lives in New York City. But more importantly, I am the son of a pretty great mom. She was diagnosed ......


Hueology Studio | Painting the World….One Hue at a Time 有些男生會經常抱怨自己相貌堂堂卻找不到漂亮女友,然後就說那些樣貌醜的男生為什麼可以找到正妹女友,其實,你們也不用抱怨,沒意思的,因為:▼也許,這只是某個片場 ▼也許,她喜歡大胸男人,可能缺乏母愛吧 ▼也許,他們只是在計程車上相遇 ▼也許,在寂寞的冬季,只有緊緊相擁才能感到溫暖  ▼也許,Jul 24 2014 Making Brown – Color Recipe Most furniture is some form of brown before you paint it. Chances are you are not going to paint all your furniture brown. However, sometimes you really need a good brown as part of your color palette on a project. ...
