i just wanna run

Donald Trump jumps in: The Donald's latest White House run is officially on@words by 鄭匡寓@photos by 馬壅@styling by 許宜惠@model:CoCo 利用複合性運動鍛鍊上半身身型。 上班工時越來越長的現代人,幾乎夜晚都只能留給家人及電視機。運動的時間相對少了,健康也同樣欠缺了。好朋友嚷嚷著最近腰痠背痛得厲害、連舉手轉身都感覺身體的負擔。年紀慢Donald Trump finally took the plunge. ... Just over four years after he came closer than ever to launching a campaign before bowing out, Trump made his announcement at the lavish Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York, laying out a vision to match his in...


Amazon.com: I Want My Hat Back (9780763655983): Jon Klassen: Books@words by Beck@photos by 馬壅@styling by 許宜惠@Film director 王鈞浩 我喜歡游泳,因此有收集比基尼的習慣,而在台灣比較少有穿比基尼游泳的機會,所以想說穿比基尼教瑜珈,也可以證明我的身材是練瑜珈練出來的,沒有修片。 現代人生活節奏緊迫,經濟不景氣更是A New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book of 2011! A picture-book delight by a rising talent tells a cumulative tale with a mischievous twist. ... "Magic Tree House: Shadow of the Shark" by Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca Just in time for summe...


Why I Don't Want To Attend My High School Reunion - OhBoyMom@words by Bang@photos by 馬雍@styling by 許宜惠@model:小柔 情侶們一起進廚房料理美味的「桂花萬里蟹」,不只是一種生活情趣,更是一種做愛前的調情方式,而且螃蟹滋養更能讓你體力倍增、持久不洩! 在10月號044期中我們曾經向各位U友介紹過「萬里蟹」,不知道大家My 20th is coming up in 2 years time and I am with you. I have literally no desire to go. I wasn’t completely unfortunate in high school, but still just don’t feel like reconnecting with so many that I haven’t seen or could care less about. And I guarante...


Artzcool's Blog | Are you crafty, want to be, or just like to watch?@words by Beck@photos by 馬雍 對!很多事情沒有做過,沒做過就去試著做做看。至於遇到挫折,可能是我腳步比較快,很快就會收起來,重新振作。/阿寶師傅 經歷30年的廚藝人生,擁有「香港食神」之稱號的何京寶,人稱阿寶師傅,他是個超人氣的廚師,同時也是演員明星,除了美食節目爭相邀約,I tend to go on tangents sometimes. When I find a good idea, either creative, time saving, or yummy, I tend to run with it for a while. If you are a creative type person, you’ll understand, but if you are like my husband John, you might not get it… So my ...


Eat, Live, Run 為了感謝各位朋友對於JUKSY網站的支持,在2013年聖誕節的今天,小編準備一個小小禮物送給大家;根據長久以來對大家閱讀習慣的瞭解,我們特別尋找來自世界各地熱愛刺青的辣妹女孩,在不同國家的刺青文化背景中,造就以下這些個性女孩們的誕生。現在就讓我們一邊欣賞她們的身體藝術,一邊感受熱情如火的聖誕節吧!Well, I’ve started and stopped writing this post like a million times now. I think you all know where I am going with this, as it’s been pretty clear to everyone I haven’t been around here much these days. When I started writing this blog, back in 2007, I...


Baltimore mom who smacked son during riots: "I don't want him to be a Freddie Gray" - CBS News 脫序的19歲小賈斯汀 Justin Bieber,一件件事件都被媒體放大檢視,但他的一舉一動仍有相當多爭議,先前才在德國丟下他的寵物猴,他又公布養了一隻新的鬥牛犬,讓人替那隻狗狗的安危安心,也被網友砲轟、希望他這次不要在棄養動物了。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKS"There's some days that I'll shield him in the house just so he won't go outside and I know that I can't do that for the rest of my life," said Graham. "I'm a no-tolerant mother. Everybody that knows me, know I don't play that." It's that reputation that ...
