Do What I Like圖、文/美麗佳人 巴西世界盃足球賽開打一個星期了,除了精采的比賽內容之外,想必女生們更是注意到,踢足球的男孩們似乎特別的帥呢!精湛的技術、超勻稱的身材加上帥氣的臉蛋,更讓人難以目光移開了! 說到足球養眼鏡頭,就一定會想到葡萄牙的C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo),場上愛脫下了場更愛脫!無論是Craving for crispy stuff, so I baked these crispy walnut cookies. I used this recipe but replace the butter with corn oil. Cookies turned out crispier than the ones with butter. Ingredients: (A) 75g corn oil pinch of salt 65g castor sugar 2 tbsp lightly b...