全球限量300台!全台灣只有2輛!Bentley Continental GT3-R來囉~黑人:絕對
Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) Lyrics - YouTube只要一開場,錄製節目幾乎從不NG的TVBS 56《地球黃金線》主持人蘇宗怡,今天竟然在錄影中途被助理導播臨時喊「卡」!正當蘇宗怡一頭霧水,回頭一看才發現黑人竟然毫無預警出現在攝影棚內!讓驚呆了的蘇宗怡直喊:「怎麼會是你?怎麼會是你?」好友黑人今天特地跑來探班蘇宗怡錄影現場最大的亮點,是一台全球限量3This is an inspirational speech by Laz Buhrmann to a graduating class of 97. I hope you'll take the time to listen and think about what he says. It was very inspirational to me and it has opened up my mind. :)...