i ll take your bad days with your good

Over the Counter Natural Cures, Expanded Edition: Take Charge of Your Health in 30 Days with 10 Life 話說,很多小仙女都有喜歡去做美甲的愛好,但是今天介紹的的這個妹子,她對這項愛好的狂熱已經超出了人類的想象……       這個姑娘叫Simone Taylor,今年16歲的她是德國紐倫堡的一個中學生,這妹子今天被媒體報道了,原因麼...她從A rogue chemist turned consumer health advocate, Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison has a bachelor's degree in biology from Fort Lewis College and a master's degree in organic chemistry from Northern Arizona University. He is a two-time recipient of the...


How To Increase Your Credit Score To Get a Good Mortgage 話說,照片里這個小哥叫Vatsal Kataria,是一位來自印度的攝影師。     小哥非常擅長拍攝出各種風格唯美的大場景作品。先看看他的作品:   在大雨中駛來的紅色轎車...     在枯木中停靠的小轎車     在風雪中AlamyMost banks require a minimum score of 660 in order to grant borrowers a conventional mortgage. If you've been sidelined from buying real estate because the bank won't give you a mortgage, you still may have an opportunity to get into the market. If y...


Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health: Gary Tau 話說,大家還記得我們前段時間說過的一個英國村子裡的小黃車風波麼...   在英國有一個叫Bibury的村子,這個村子一直以來被稱為是英國最美的古老村子。村子多年來一直保持着幾百年前英國村落的風貌,村子裡的復古的房屋 被各種植被鮮花簇擁,讓它無愧於最美村莊的讚譽。每天,世界各地的遊客都慕名Taubes's eye-opening challenge to widely accepted ideas on nutrition and weight loss is as provocative as was his 2001 New York Times Magazine article, What if It's All a Big Fat Lie? Taubes ( Bad Science ), a writer for Science magazine, begins by showin...


Stones’ ticket prices are sky high - Gusto - The Buffalo News 今天要講的,是這個叫Charlie Carrel的孩紙...   Charlie今年22歲,來自倫敦。雖然年紀輕輕,但是他如今已經是一個身家幾百萬鎊的超級大富豪了。   不靠爹,不靠偷不靠搶,這一切,都是他靠雙手合法掙回來的——這小哥是一個天才賭神! &According to Ticketmaster.com, tickets for The Rolling Stones’ just-announced July 11 appearance at Ralph Wilson Stadium will range in price from $77.50 to $403.00 each. I’ll give you a minute to pick yourself up off the floor. You ok now? Good. Because t...


How To Take Control Of Your Money, From Suze Orman (VIDEO) 話說,很多玩ins的孩紙,可能都會看到過一個叫Candy Shop Mansion的帳號吧...   這個叫「糖果屋豪宅」的帳號,和糖果無關,點進去看,畫風基本都是這樣的...     這樣...     這樣....     When personal finance expert Suze Orman joined me on Mondays With Marlo, she told me that she hates the word "budget." Instead of cutting back on all spending, Suze suggested taking control of your money. Find out exactly where your money goes each month,...


Bad Science 照片里的這個人叫Sam Kane,今年57歲,來自倫敦。     Sam是一個非常著名的律師,在寸土寸金的倫敦擁有一棟價值超過三百萬英鎊的別墅,她的座駕是一輛限量款的紅色奔馳跑車,雖然已經快60歲,但是外表依然保持得很好。   很多不了解她的人可能羨慕她是一個人生贏家As you’ll hopefully know by now from reading Bad Science, Bad Pharma, and my endless columns on the subject, medicine has a problem: the results of clinical trials are routinely and legally withheld from doctors, researchers, and patients. We started the ...
