家庭百分百Toyota Sienna
Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - I Love Rock N Roll - YouTube 文章來源:一手車訊 Toyota總代理和泰正式於七月引進美規七人座MPV車型──Sienna,壯大本身Minivan及商用車陣線,並主打六大保證同時將保固延長至四年12萬公里,來勢洶洶看來信心十足,雖說Sienna已經不是全新車型,但是好車交到《一手車訊》手上,我們還是樂意再試一次。 文 徐永先 Here's a summary of the comments people have made, if you don't want to look through 300+ comments: (1) JOAN JETT ROCKS. (2) THIS IS THE BEST SONG EVER. (3) I LOVE ROCK N ROLL! (4) BRITNEY SPEARS SUCKS. (5) The song that plays in the beginning of the vide...