i love rock n roll

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - I Love Rock N Roll - YouTube ▲示意圖,非當事人,來源:youtube  diyad.cn     (翻攝自toments,下同) ▲本文圖片皆為示意圖,與文中人物無關。   3年前,老同學久別重逢,酒酣耳熱時,一群人起鬨,把當年的校園戀人重新「配對」,關在飯店房間裡「鴛夢重溫」&helHere's a summary of the comments people have made, if you don't want to look through 300+ comments: (1) JOAN JETT ROCKS. (2) THIS IS THE BEST SONG EVER. (3) I LOVE ROCK N ROLL! (4) BRITNEY SPEARS SUCKS. (5) The song that......


Britney Spears - I Love Rock 'N' Roll - YouTube 翻攝ptt,下同     拍照的角度有多麼重要是不言而喻的, 看這篇文在PTT被推爆就知道了! ______________________________________________ 男友是電子系的 最近在忙畢業論文,每天都弄電路弄到到很晚 雖然我不是相關科系但他還是會在Music video by Britney Spears performing I Love Rock 'N' Roll. (C) 2001 Zomba Recording LLC...


yam 天空部落-影音分享-【音樂】I Love Rock "N" Roll 翻拍自yt     如何分辨真假Adidas NMD       後跟的提拉環織嘜,真鞋上面的字體印刷更加清晰、字體並沒有凸起,再看假貨字體印刷有凸起效果,且排版不太規整。       領口部分真鞋的編織工藝更加厚實,I saw him dancin' there by the record machine I knew he must a been about seventeen The beat was goin' strong Playin' my favorite song An' i could tell it wouldn't be long Till he was with me, yeah me, singin' I love rock n' roll So put another dime in th...


I Love Rock 'n' Roll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 醒醒吧,這種老婆只愛你的錢.... 觀念有夠偏差,要相處一輩子真的會很辛苦,要想清楚啊 --------------------靠北老婆原文:‪#‎靠北老婆7372‬各位大大們好,我想上來發表我的情形,希望各位大大能給我一些建議,我跟我老婆結婚三年多,最近因為金錢的問題,終於爆發了,我跟我Joan Jett saw Arrows perform "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" on their weekly television series Arrows when she was touring England with The Runaways in 1976. She first recorded the song in 1979 with two of the Sex Pistols: Steve Jones and Paul Cook. This first ver...


I Love Rock N' Roll | Facebook 我常常被男朋友說肥仔 而且完全習慣這個稱號,不過我不胖啊!!! ------------------------------- Dcard原文:千萬不要說女生胖因為他很可能已經很認真放棄了他最喜歡的美食正在餓著肚子千萬不要說女生胖因為他很可能在拼命的運動流汗想著自己怎樣會更好千萬不要說女生胖因為他I Love Rock N' Roll. 318 likes. 這是個交流搖滾樂的園地,希望各同好們能來這裡把自己喜愛的、私藏的音樂拿出來與大家分享...
