蜘蛛吃掉蛇 內有蛇+蜘蛛
The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love - YouTube在生物界,大吃小一點都不奇怪,但是小吃大就特別多了。最近曝光的一系列照片顯示,2004年在南非一家電器行,櫃檯羅伯森(Tania Robertson)到公司上班時,發現一條長約14公分的蛇被她桌子與牆壁間的蜘蛛網纏住,旁邊一隻褐寡婦蜘蛛(Brown Button Spider,又稱褐色鈕扣蜘蛛,黑寡High quality, right from the single of the title track. Lyrics: Can't explain all the feelings that you're making me feel My heart's in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheel Touching you, touching me touching you, god you're touching me I believe...