i love you

I LOVE YOU (オフコースのアルバム) - Wikipedia  說到 2014 年最夯動畫莫過於大小朋友都愛的《冰雪奇緣》,許多廠商也跟風推出相關活動及商品。最近日本全家便利商店宣佈將從 12 月 16 日起開賣《冰雪奇緣》系列商品,其中「雪寶包子」引起了網友們的關注,發現雪寶包子的臉好像在哪裡看過?     ▼ 日本全家便利商『I LOVE YOU』(アイ・ラヴ・ユー)は、1982年7月1日に発売されたオフコース通算10作目のオリジナルアルバム。...


Floyd Mayweather's Marriage Proposal -- I'll Love You Forever ... But Your Attitude Sucks | TMZ.com 1999年有一首紅遍華語樂壇的歌《謝謝你的愛1999》,19歲的謝霆鋒迷倒萬千少女。歌詞的第一句“說再見,別說永遠,再見不會是永遠”。 1999年,王菲已經是天后的代名詞,她言辭犀利,我行我素,在感情生活中她剛剛結束與竇唯的婚姻,獨自扶養女兒竇靖童。 他叛逆,他才華橫溢,她It's what every little girl dreams of ... a marriage proposal over text message ... complete with crazy Hollywood bribes and a demand that you change your crappy attitude, stat. And that's exactly what Floyd Mayweather fired off to Shantel Jackson back in...


All the things I love 已婚婦女的怨念究竟有多深?可能要真的當上媽媽才會了解….Susan Copich 是一名來自紐約的演員,也是兩個孩子的媽,因為發現自己常常不在家庭照片裡(因為她常常負責拍照),便決定拍攝一系列以自己為主角、抒發自己情緒的照片。有趣的是,這一系列描述著家庭生活的照片,每張都充滿濃濃的黑Love this Prima doily die, the detail is phenomenal. I hope you can see the tulle trim buried under all the flowers ….. I got a bit carried away gluing things on oops. ... I had a play with my new Pergola die from Noor Design – love it! It started life ou...


[i] LoveLife                                  示意圖/非本人(來源:電影) 第一次認識,我27,她19,我們Hello friends! On Friday MAY1 or Saturday MAY2 (2015) - please come visit me at my exciting #kbscript pop up! I have have adopted a gorgeous, mini, magic gallery for the month of May and I have so many good things to share with you. Script. Polar bears. A...


Le Love 網友kowbay5408在批踢踢男女版PO文發問:「聽過最有意思的告白法」 其中一個網友dieyoung的回文讓大家笑翻: 以前有想過,透過關係、或是閒聊,知道喜歡的女生她家先人的墓地。 然後,在清明節前幾天,就去把她家先人的墓掃好,割草啊、用碧麗珠擦墓碑啊啥小的。 她要去掃墓當天(當然之前要先問Photos via: Stylecaster “If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.” -- Johnny Depp--I think it's possible to love more than one person at a time, so this...


iwillcarryyou | A Journey of Unconditional Love 不知道大家最近有沒有看過火影的特別番外篇...?我雖然還沒來得及追,不過在網路上看到了其中一幕看到這一幕...我只想說...難怪鳴人最後選了雛田...女孩子可以做到如此貼心,這讓任何一個男的都會想要永遠守護她吧? 相比之下...很多台灣的女人真的要好好學一學了......常常引發兩性間的口水大戰.It was a Friday night in March. Embraced by the warmth of my blankets, I lazily scrolled through my newsfeeds, my eyelids growing heavy. I was about to call it a night when a text came through. It was Kim Botto, my dear friend from church who had officiat...
