I'm A Lazy Mom | A blog that pokes fun at the lazy moments ALL moms have (yes, even super moms). 來自韓國三星的 Samsung NX mini 系列廣告、Masterpiece,號稱自拍神機,廣告上的呈現方式也非常具有創意,以標語 "For self-portraits. Not selfies" 貫穿中心思想,如果當這些熱愛畫自畫像的知名畫家拿到這台相機,相信也會讓他們愛不釋手的I just couldn’t NOT open my blog post with that picture. It’s been a long while since I shared a pretty random blog post, and I know how much you all just LOOOOVE those. Sooo…. Found this at Lowe’s several weeks ago. My daughter pulled it out of a big bin...