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I'm A Lazy Mom | A blog that pokes fun at the lazy moments ALL moms have (yes, even super moms). 來自韓國三星的 Samsung NX mini 系列廣告、Masterpiece,號稱自拍神機,廣告上的呈現方式也非常具有創意,以標語 "For self-portraits. Not selfies" 貫穿中心思想,如果當這些熱愛畫自畫像的知名畫家拿到這台相機,相信也會讓他們愛不釋手的I just couldn’t NOT open my blog post with that picture. It’s been a long while since I shared a pretty random blog post, and I know how much you all just LOOOOVE those. Sooo…. Found this at Lowe’s several weeks ago. My daughter pulled it out of a big bin...


I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell do I read? 兩年前,一位名叫 Isaiah Webb 的男子在網路上被他人稱為「瘋狂鬍子」,你可能已經猜測到了,他擁有難以置信的鬍子。見見「瘋狂鬍子」,隨著時間的推移,他的鬍子簡直就像一瓶好酒。試想一下,最迷人的就是這一個男人的鬍子可以在任何時候、任何地方展現最雄偉的模樣。 無論用什麼形狀。 或是什*If you're 12 or under, it's not legal for anyone to collect your e-mail address. You can subscribe to this blog in a reader and follow me on twitter to get much of the same information, just not put together in tidy packages. But heck, if you're 11 or 12...


dooce.com - Official Site 拜N.W.O.B.H.M.所賜,80年代的英國成為了重金屬音樂復興聖地,當年對於重音樂如一片荒漠的美國,鞭擊金屬(Thrash Metal)仍像是龐克搖滾般,是一種發源於秘密結社地下音樂文化,舊金山、紐約、洛杉磯是80年代初這類型音樂的發祥地。它一邊吸收著來自當時N.W.O.B.H.M.的營養,一I'm Heather B. Armstrong. This is my website. ... Looking upward and ahead April 23, 2015 Daily On the desire I have to get back to why I started “living online” in the first place: writing for the love of it, writing when the story inside is begging to b...


OMG I'M GETTING MARRIED UK Wedding Blog | Featuring Wedding Design & Inspiration for Fashion Forward 尖端科技打造 CARMELO ANTHONY 第十一代戰靴,為新賽季注滿活力! 從 Red Hook 區的男孩,到紐約尼克的隊長,明星賽常客 Carmelo Anthony 一直奮勇拼搏,並成為頂級的籃球巨星。 在 NBA 征戰 12 個賽季,擁有11雙簽名籃球鞋的 Carmelo AnthonyA UK Wedding Blog featuring the most unique and interesting modern weddings to date. ... Good evening OMG readers and happy almost Friday! Tonight I have a beautiful Tuscan wedding for you thanks very much to the lovely wedding planner Varese Weddings....


I'm an Organizing Junkie - clutter & chaos free...most of the time 相信各位朋友都已經感受到冬天的威力,走在街道上冷風一吹,冷冽的風就像是在對沒受到衣物保護的頭頂霸凌,冷到不行的你們這時候心裡多少會想起家中衣櫃角落的毛帽吧?說到毛線帽大家第一個想到的是不是老奶奶打毛線的復古畫面呢,或是爺爺最喜歡的駝色毛帽?那麼你們就更應該看看這系列的圖組,只能說太有創意了,毛線也clutter & chaos free...most of the time ... For many, the hardest part of cleaning your closet is actually getting started. Best-selling author and “one-minute” cleaning and organizing expert, Donna Smallin Kuper, offers the following tips to help you kic...


Bryanboy - Official Site TOMMY HILFIGER宣布網球名將Rafael Nadal合作計畫 男士Tailored與Underwear系列全球代言人 TOMMY HILFIGER 17日正式宣布將與史上唯一9座法網冠軍、「紅土之王」Rafael Nadal 納達爾展開合作關係, 邀請Nadal成為旗下Tommy HiA fashion, style and travel blog featuring photos and commentary by fashion blogger Bryanboy. ... My main man, Marc Jacobs, has been killing it (and mind you, killing my finances) lately. His spring summer 2015 collection is all about the idea of a unifor...
