What I Know About Love Now That I'm In My 50s | Rachel A. Sussman, LCSW話說, 下面這位大叔叫Hunter Hu,是澳洲一個華裔餐館老闆… 他和妻子在昆士蘭開了一家麵館,平時的生活低調而又忙碌。 然而, 這個月發生的一件事,讓他們兩口子一下子就火了... 11月3日,他們的麵館跟以往一樣照常營業... 當時店裡還沒什麼客人...I think relationships get better with age, and mine certainly has. If I knew in my 20s what I know now, I would have avoided abundant heartache. But that's the journey, and you acquire astounding wisdom in the process. At least I did. This is what I know ...