i m sexy and i know it

What I Know About Love Now That I'm In My 50s | Rachel A. Sussman, LCSW話說, 下面這位大叔叫Hunter Hu,是澳洲一個華裔餐館老闆…   他和妻子在昆士蘭開了一家麵館,平時的生活低調而又忙碌。   然而, 這個月發生的一件事,讓他們兩口子一下子就火了... 11月3日,他們的麵館跟以往一樣照常營業... 當時店裡還沒什麼客人...I think relationships get better with age, and mine certainly has. If I knew in my 20s what I know now, I would have avoided abundant heartache. But that's the journey, and you acquire astounding wisdom in the process. At least I did. This is what I know ...


I'm A Lazy Mom | A blog that pokes fun at the lazy moments ALL moms have (yes, even super moms).話說,這世上的喵千千萬….   但是,唯一一隻提起來無人不知無人不曉的恐怕就只有它了……     著名漫畫《加菲貓》是由著名的美國漫畫家James Robert "Jim" Davis在1978年創作的系列漫畫… If you’re like me, you’ve heard all the hub-bub about essential oils, but haven’t really taken the time to learn more about them. I’ve used Melaleuca (Tree Tea) oil regularly for years, but didn’t really know how I could fully use it or other oils I kept ...


i'm a ginger monkey▲有錢就把人當狗看?(source:靠北女友、southcn) 日前在臉書匿名社團靠北女友中有名自稱「收入不高」的男性一開頭就非常不客氣的把自己OL文職女友瘋狂幹譙一頓!裡頭講到許多次女友的收入完全跟不上自己的生活圈,並多次提及自己賺的錢只會拿來做他想做的事,叫女友別肖想他會送禮物等等...最後再以My friend Kristi, who you probably know already as schnitzel and boo has designed a really cool travel bag pattern which is released by Rebel Craft Media next month (more details are below). It's bag for confident beginners and up. Once I get moved into m...


I'm a liberal professor, and my liberal students terrify me - Vox作者:小燦來源:陽光燦爛的你(ID:isong01)     不管你身旁的男人, 是否有車有房,一定要先確定, 他起碼有為你們贏得未來的心。   文 小燦         「我什麼都不缺,除了一個當家的。」   單身二十I'm a professor at a midsize state school. I have been teaching college classes for nine years now. I have won (minor) teaching awards, studied pedagogy extensively, and almost always score highly on my student evaluations. I am not a world-class teacher ...


Bruce Jenner: 'I'm a Woman' - ABC News ▲女友被人搭訕,現任男友和女友的爸爸一起看到這一幕。(source:youtube,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ Youtube有一個頻道名叫「To Catch a Cheater」,他們專門幫助申請者測試另一半的忠誠度,雖然任務非常奇特,還是有許多人願意花大把的鈔票,請這個團隊去幫Bruce Jenner was once hailed as the greatest athlete in the world and later became a reality television star with one of the world’s most famous families. Now, the former Olympian is revealing a secret that has caused him turmoil for decades. “For all int...


It Happened To Me: There Are No Black People In My Yoga Classes And I'm Suddenly Feeling Uncomfortab話說,在英國,想要找出一個全國未婚女性都想嫁的男人,除了威廉和哈里王子,估計就只有這一位了……     這個小帥哥的名字叫Hugh Grosvenor,今年還不滿26歲,但是他有一個外號——英國王思聰…&helliJanuary is always a funny month in yoga studios: they are inevitably flooded with last year’s repentant exercise sinners who have sworn to turn over a new leaf, a new year, and a new workout regime. A lot of January patrons are atypical to the studio’s re...
