800hp的英式猛男 Aston Martin Vulcan
Grease- You're the one that I want [HQ+lyrics] - YouTube【蘇祺文/報導】無論是車輛的製作或是人的個性,英國都給人一種紳士的風範,像是007詹姆士龐德,或者是他的座駕Aston Martin DB系列,就算在怎麼樣也都散發出濃厚的紳士風格。 2015年3月3日開幕的Geneva車展中,Aston Martin史上最刺激、最令人興奮的作品,全世界限量24台的I do not own anything. Copyright of Paramount Pictures. B= boy/ Danny G=Girl/Sandy B: both G: Tell me about it stud! B: I got chills. They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. 'Cause the power you're supplyin', it's electrifyin'! G: You better shape up...