i pod 桌布

Make Your Camera your Wallpaper / Background on iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4g - YouTube有一個人向女友求婚,在答應他的求婚之前,女友告訴他她在床底下藏了一個鞋盒,並要他答應絕對不能去看盒子裡的東西。 男子表示他能夠理解,他也不喜歡有人去翻他的皮夾,故絕不會去偷看鞋盒裡的東西。五年過去了,他們一直過著幸福的婚姻生活。 有一天,先生獨自在家,他的好奇心戰勝了理智,於是他把鞋盒打開,看到裡面CameraWallpaper is a cool new tweak available in the cydia app store. This app is very simple, it allows you to change your wallpaper to whatever is seen through the ipod touch or iphone cameras. If you missed my last video on a really cool tweak called M...


Wallpaper* City Guides | Phaidon Apps為了維持班上秩序, 老師規定凡是上課講話的都要到教室後面罰站, 並且把說話的內容大聲說十次。 有一天,上課的時候, 小明和鄰座的同學竊竊私語,被老師逮個正著。 老師怒道:「小明,到後面罰站, 把你剛剛說的話再大聲說十次。」小明低著頭走到教室後頭, 開始喃喃的低聲說著。 老師怒斥:「大聲一點!讓全班都Your passport to the best the world has to offer, Wallpaper* City Guides present an insider's checklist of all you need to know about the world's most intoxicating cities. Focusing on architecture, art and design, each unique guide is illustrated with mor...


How to: Get animated LockScreen Wallpaper on iPhone/iPod touch - Every IOS - YouTube某天中午,我在公司附近ㄉ自助餐用餐 我生性節檢,只夾ㄌ2、3樣菜,共40元 心想還滿便宜ㄉ,就找了ㄍ位子開始享用 才吃沒幾口,旁邊就來了1ㄍ胖子(長的很像戎祥) 他就坐我旁邊吃了起來 我看到他餐盤裡ㄉ菜,哇~~好豐富喔 有雞腿、炸排骨、滷蛋........等等一大堆菜 看他好像很餓,馬上狼吞虎嚥起來Hey, Lot of people have asked me how I got my animated Lockscreen wallpaper on my iPhone. So I made a tutorial showing you all how to do it. It's easy as one two three, First of all, You'll need to be jailbroken (it will work on any ios firmware, providin...


YoungGam communication | iPhone,iPod,iPad,apple,apps,SmartPhone,Wallpaper,User Guide上自然課的時候~老師問:[同學們,你們知道動物的願望嗎?] 小明說:[老師老師~我知道我知道,貓熊最大的心願就是照一張彩色的照片!!] 老師:[無言中....] :+:+: New App Release :+:+: Wallpapers Apps iPhone ver Link iPad ver Link VOD Link Free Wallpapers Link Q: Wallpaper doesn't fit in the screen position. A: Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion > ON (Note: If zoomed, you will need to rescale ...


SharePod v3.9.8 把音樂從 iPhone, iPod, iPad 裡出來抓出來、備份到電腦中 _ 重灌狂人阿龍:「面試官!我都說大家公認我不是一盞省油的燈了,為什麼你還是不錄用我呢!?」 面試官:「駱思龍先生,不好意思,現在油價飆漲,講求的是節約能源,我們公司要的是省油的燈啦!」當我們買了 iPod, iPad 或 iPhone 等設備之後,一般都會使用 Apple 提供的 iTunes 軟體來做音樂、應用程式與相關資訊的管理與匯入工作。不過 iTunes 在處理 iPhone 等裝置的音樂檔時,只能從電腦同步到手機中,無法直接從手機把音樂檔同步回來,如果你剛好要換 ......


Apple - iPod nano with Multi-Touch.美術課上,老師要學生畫抽像圖。 不久,一學生交來一張用毛筆圖的黑烏烏的紙, 老師問:「你畫的是什麼?」 學生答:「深夜。」 iPod nano features a Multi-Touch display, built-in Bluetooth, FM radio, video, and more. Just $149. ... Your music experience is better than ever because iPod nano has Bluetooth 4.0 built in. Pairing iPod nano with Bluetooth-enabled headphones and support...
