Make Your Camera your Wallpaper / Background on iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4g - YouTube有一個人向女友求婚,在答應他的求婚之前,女友告訴他她在床底下藏了一個鞋盒,並要他答應絕對不能去看盒子裡的東西。 男子表示他能夠理解,他也不喜歡有人去翻他的皮夾,故絕不會去偷看鞋盒裡的東西。五年過去了,他們一直過著幸福的婚姻生活。 有一天,先生獨自在家,他的好奇心戰勝了理智,於是他把鞋盒打開,看到裡面CameraWallpaper is a cool new tweak available in the cydia app store. This app is very simple, it allows you to change your wallpaper to whatever is seen through the ipod touch or iphone cameras. If you missed my last video on a really cool tweak called M...