i promise you i always there

I promise you, I'm always there…… - 豆瓣這是 ??溜貓 ?? I promise you, I'm always there. 還能如何更好詮釋,倆人的羈絆,是愛,又,不止是愛。比愛更深更遠,你若不離我定不棄,世界末日的某個角落,只屬於我们,是絕望快樂。落幕好聲音,疲勞轟炸車輪戰,任意重播而煙消雲散的感動。...


i promise you i always there | 博客在線結婚十週年紀念日。妻子對丈夫說:“我昨晚做了個夢,夢見你送我一條鑽石項鍊,你說這夢是啥意思呢?” 丈夫神秘的說:“你今晚會就知道了。” 妻子見自己暗示有效,心中竊喜。晚上,丈夫果然帶回來一包東西送給妻子!妻子滿懷喜悅地打開一看,裡面是一本書《周公解夢》i promise you i'm always there this i promise you, n-sync n sync, this i promise you ronan keating, this i promise you 光-i promise you i promise you that i promise you, frankie j i promise you ......


中國好聲音背景音樂? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+大哥的女人.....(點圖看大圖喔)大哥的架式小女人的眼神整個超配的啦!一個女生唱的...我只聽到一句歌詞" I promise you....." 好好聽,有人知道是誰唱的嗎?歌名跟主唱是誰 ... Then I heard you say I promise you I'm always there When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair I'll carry you When you need a friend You'll find my ......
