I PROMISE YOU, I'M ALWAYS THERE!! (FOR MY TWIN) - YouTube最近這則新聞應該讓廣大男性憤憤不平…24歲的德國花花公子雜誌專屬女郎-Cathy Schmitz,嫁給高齡81歲的億萬富翁!即使兩人向外界保證他們是真心相愛,但許多網友還是打趣的說:「一個愛的是對方的外表,一個愛的是對方的長相吧!」接下來就一起來看看兩人的照片~ Cathy SchmiSo today is mine and Christina 1st friendaniversary! i can't belive it that is only the 1st xD because i feel like i know Christina all my life :) thank you so much my twin for everything that you do for me!! you are a big......