電視機前的人們 攝影師Olivier Culman 有趣作品
CIA spy plane behind decades of UFO reports - Unexplained Mysteries 相信許多朋友在經歷一整天的辛苦工作或是學校滿檔的課程,回家休閒排解鬱悶的休閒活動之一,就是看電視了吧,這個再簡單不過的動作,在攝影師Olivier Culman 的眼中,卻是有趣的攝影作品題材,他記錄下不同種族的的人們在看電視時的姿態,要不要也試著回想你自己在看電視時,是什麼樣的姿勢? 【本文出處The CIA has revealed that its secret spy plane program was responsible for countless UFO sightings. ... In Texas Libraries THey hide them from all eyes, THe New Testicialment is the Book they push here ! Very,VERY sad ! I read all the Vern books, ITs why ...