Still Believe 'A Calorie Is a Calorie'? | Robert Lustig, M.D.If you do, you fly in the face of mounting and incontrovertible evidence that some calories -- in particular, "sugar calories" -- are jeopardizing both your and your family's health. Physicians and politicians who cling to the dogma that "all calories sho...
All the things I loveso~cute !!! I’m still playing with some of my favourite older stamps, this one is Polka Dott from Whimsy Stamps. She really is the sweetest little thing Coloured with markers and pencils this time, I’m thinking I prefer the ‘pop’ the pencils give my colouring Skin: E...
What I Know About Love Now That I'm In My 50s | Rachel A. Sussman, LCSWwell......有些事情還是不要知道的好-.- I think relationships get better with age, and mine certainly has. If I knew in my 20s what I know now, I would have avoided abundant heartache. But that's the journey, and you acquire astounding wisdom in the process. At least I did. This is what I know ...
全文閱讀不用健身就能擁有六塊腹肌 讚啦~
Will you still date me when I'm 64? - Telegraph男孩請快下單 女孩請買給你男朋友吧XD When I was young I couldn’t imagine women of 60 falling in love. For one thing, people used to stay married; they weren’t out in the jungle, searching for romance. Besides, these women just looked so ancient – permed hair, beige cardis. They’d long ago hu...