i think i farted

I THINK I FARTED (Taryn Southern, Shane Dawson, and Joe Nation) - Official Music Video - YouTube富有濃烈美國文化色彩的Ford Mustang承襲一貫美式設計風格以及豐沛動力輸出,超過半世紀來一直都是跑車迷心中傳奇經典,2018 New Ford Mustang即將在台上市,並於今日正式開放預約訂購,蓄勢待發將在台釋放野馬熱力!2018 New Ford Mustang提供EcoBoost 2DOWNLOAD THE SONG: http://msclvr.co/IThinkIFarted SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/TarynSouthern TWEET! http://clicktotweet.com/CNIFd WIN A SIGNED ALBUM! http://bit.ly/TlTCw3 BEHIND THE SCENES (Deep Inside): http://bit.ly/UyGn1f INFAMOUS (Remarkable Celebrity Vag...


Taryn Southern-我想我放屁了(中文字幕)-I THINK I FARTED - YouTube今天要講的是他,Ben Greenfield.   來自美國華盛頓州斯波坎的Ben是一名小有名氣的健身網紅, 在臉書、油管以及推特上都有好幾萬粉絲,隨隨便便發個照片或視頻就能得到很多贊。 他的自我介紹中寫着,自己是 「職業運動員、營養師、演講家、暢銷書作家、健康諮詢師、生物黑客&helliNo copyright infringement intended. Originally uploaded by Taryn Southern Origin here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7JZ4... 註解: 1. dutch oven:俗語,描述和另個人躺在床上的情景。 2. Mitt Romney:2012美國總統大選的候選人。 Taryn在iTune發了新專輯,有興趣的朋友可以去下載 ......


best of craigslist: I farted on every single one of my employees. All 37 of them. 今天要講的故事和一對小情侶有關。   她叫Laura Nice,旁邊是她的未婚夫Andy Ducrow,兩人住在薩里郡的埃普索姆,不久前剛剛生下一個可愛的兒子。 一家三口的合影無比溫馨,也讓Laura和Andy想起他倆小時候的一張照片——   當時,LaSo, I just need to tell the world because I am so happy that I have finally accomplished something that has been 3 months in the making. I farted on every single one of my 37 employees. The initial fart began on January 21st, 2008 while I was expediting a...


Models Who Look Like They Just Farted - BuzzFeed 話說,隨着氣候的變化,近年來地球上的異常天氣變得越來越多,   今年年初的時候,就有氣象學家表示,觀測到北極周圍的溫度離奇升高,導致北極的冰川融化,進而影響到北極以南的歐洲大陸。   最近幾天,這場由北極冰川融化導致的寒流,正在以雷霆之勢席捲整個歐洲...   &nbIt's the tumblr that will forever change the way you see fashion editorials. Because, really — don't all models have that... ... Style Models Who Look Like They Just Farted It’s the tumblr that will forever change the way you see fashion editorials. Becau...


Little Girl Says She Doesn’t Care What People Think Then Farts On Camera最近,日本內閣通過了一項關於酒類廣告的法案。今後,在所有酒類廣告中,喝酒鏡頭的喉部特寫內容將會全部被禁止。       也就說,日本人再也聽不到酒類廣告中「咕嚕咕嚕」大口喝酒的爽快聲音了。至於為什麼要出台這麼一項規定,官方是這麼說的:   禁止的理由:廣告中喝“I just don’t care what people think… I just farted, I’m sorry,” she brilliantly says to camera. The Vine has been looped more than 1.5 million times because, well, because it’s bloody hilarious...


Leopon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 說起日本校服,很多人會聯想到藍白翻領的水手服上衣和飄揚的百褶裙。而這些似乎都是女生的專利。       但最近,日本一所初中卻打破了這一常規,讓男生也擁有了穿短裙的權利。       據了解,今年的4月份,於日本千葉縣的柏市立柏中學即將開A leopon /ˈlɛpən/ is a hybrid resulting from the crossing of a male leopard with a lioness. The head of the animal is similar to that of a lion while the rest of the body carries similarities to leopards. These hybrids are produced in captivity and are un...
