i were 文法

“If I were you” and other subjunctive stumpers | Grammar Party首先說明一下,這是樓主第一次出去大保健,因為所受衝擊有點大,所以想找個地方記錄一下。凌晨2點,我和哥們A來到某著名小街(事後才知道那一條街全是人妖),一眼就相中了一長腿金發眼鏡娘,遂上前詢問,得知人叫Monica,西班牙本地人,價錢兩人120歐車費另付。互相商量了一下後決定就她了,走起不要慫。十多分For me, as a native English speaker, saying, “If I was you” sounds completely wrong, I would always say, “If I were you.” However I have to say I did get question number 3 wrong in your quiz oops! I’m a fourth year undergrad in French and Spanish at unive...


Basic English Grammar – WAS & WERE · engVid宅男宿舍隔壁搬來了一個新美眉,宅男每天晚上爽翻天...   @@確定真的爽翻天嗎............   其他閱讀: 瘋傳!男人們的義氣...總是敗在脫下內褲的時候... 點我看更多>>>> http://www.life.com.tw/?app=view&no=152596When to use was and when to use were. Learn about the past tense of to be -- the most important verb in English! I talk about normal sentences, negatives, and questions. I cover the grammar, but also the correct pronunciation....


兒童美語文法書 兒童英語文法教材 補充教材 對照CEFR分級用書選丈夫就要選這樣的....XD 適合學習程度 學過兒童美語 1~3 年以上的低中高年級小學生,及需要加強文法/寫作能力的國中生。可作為英文寫作的主教材,適用於私立中小學文法能力加強,或美語補習班補充的英文文法及寫作入門課程。...


English Grammar – “I wish…” – Subjunctive · engVid 先前在歐美引起一陣熱潮的「彩虹編織手環」,近日也紅到台灣啦~不管是大人小孩都能上手的趣味遊戲,原本單色的橡皮筋,使用編織器後都變成色彩繽紛的飾品,更有許多厲害的高手級人物編織成娃娃。 先不管編織成怎樣的產品, Patrick Kavanagh先生可讓我們大開眼界了,因為他把亮眼的完成品套在男性的重English Grammar – “I wish…” – Subjunctive “I wish I were…”. “He wishes it would…”. Wishes are a part of everyday conversation among native English speakers. Are they all dreamers? Maybe. But most of the time, we use ‘wish’ to talk about something that isn...


Guide to Grammar and Writing 歹年冬厚肖人、海外又有怪人出沒,這位名為 “ Sexy sax man ” 的怪人,留著 80 年代髮型不說,穿上超緊身褲或是上半身赤裸,相當 KUSO 在各種公眾場所吹起薩克斯風名曲、歌手喬治麥可的歌 Careless Whisper,引起正The Guide to Grammar and Writing contains scores of digital handouts on grammar and English usage, over 170 computer-graded quizzes, recommendations on writing -- from basic problems in subject-verb agreement and the use of articles to exercises in parall...


實用基礎文法 - 台灣測驗中心魔戒電影中哈比人佛朗多的遠征隊上路前,精靈女王給了他三樣寶物,其中個人最喜歡的就是隱形斗篷。雖然只是障眼法,但披上斗篷就能隱身於周圍背景之中,讓其他人對你視而不見,這實在是最讚的魔法之一啊!藝術家 Trina Merry 顯然也醉心於如此神妙把戲,她在紐約創作了一系列把模特兒變不見的作品,絕對會讓你單數動詞與複數動詞 動詞必須在「身」(人稱)與「數」(單、複數)方面與主詞一致。單數主詞需要單數動詞;複數主詞需要複數動詞。 現在式Be動詞,單數依人稱而異,有:am ......
