人氣AV女優前6名 竟有一半是「豬」?
I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell do I read? 圖、文/2ch中文網 大家喜愛的AV人氣女優排行榜,豬太多了吧wwwww 網友1:太直截了當了哈哈哈wwwww 網友2:全部都是豬嘛! 網友3:因為豬很可愛的嘛! 網友4:我還以為「豬」是說哪個人,原來是真的豬! 網友5:聽說豬和人類的內臟構造很接近的哦!So, here's the story: The Girl Scouts of Western Washington got a donation. A BIG donation. $100,000.00 This was a lot of money for them, about a quarter of their fundraising goal for the entire year. But, the money came with a catch. "Please guarantee th...